Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School

Well, grades came out, and I did much better than I thought my first semester. For anyone that doesn't know...I'm pursuing a Masters Degree of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I was a little stressed about it being that I hadn't been in a classroom for who knows how long. But as luck would have it, I got 5 A's and a B+!!! Just a little more reassurance that I am doing what I should be doing, and doing it well.

School starts back up in a week and a half and rumor has it that this next semester is the hardest of the entire program. I'm much more confident though, knowing what I can do, and how well I can do it. The only difference is...I have a small distraction in this adorable little baby of ours. Best distraction ever, by the way.
I guess we'll see. Send good vibes our way ;)